"Articles in newspapers and specialist press as well as on a scientific level about ongoing developments in China are increasing. Since the spring of 2023, terms such as "decoupling", later "de-risking" have appeared, and since the first signs there has been talk of deflation. Usually an attempt is made to describe the political and economic development in China and the reaction to it. The authors take a political or economic standpoint.
However, the question of how my company responds to the current and possible future situation in China is relevant for companies that are more or less directly related to or do business in China.
How do I position my company in relation to developments in China? Because everything that has been said since 2016 and at the latest since the end of the pandemic requires a rethinking of corporate strategy in and with China. What was true before 2015 needs to be revisited.
It's all about this!
Setting strategy is a task for each individual company that can hardly be delegated or carried out from outside. However, it is possible to describe the company's given situation, develop scenarios and specify reactions to avert risks. These tasks are the responsibility of every company's risk management
The aim of this article is to describe the changed risks in business in China and to make them practible for internal risk management.
Risks in China business are very different according to
• varios types of risk,
• individual scenarios for further development in China and
• the type of business your company in China is in
These 3 dimensions must be evaluated at the company and group level, as the different perspectives and also national bias must be taken into account.
in managing your risks in China
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The structure of the individual contributions takes into account the fact that companies can do business with China in many different contexts. Anyone who "only" purchases goods from China faces different risks than a company that produces in China. And even a company that produces in China has to position itself differently if it only wants to sell in China or if it wants to export out of China and sell in other countries.
These are, among other things, the questions that are addressed in these articles on risk management for companies doing business in China.
Using individual core terms and central topics, the linked articles give the reader the opportunity to find helpful information about their specific company situation without numerous redundancies.
The articles will soon be continually detailed and supplemented, further links will follow, and statements will be adapted to new information and findings. That's why it doesn't make sense to make the text available other than on the web; a PDF would only be possible statically.
Jürgen E.L. Meyer, YanJie-Horizon, Shanghai April 17, 2024
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Sitemap Risk Management in China:
0. Risk Management for Business with China - Introduction
1. Discontinuous Imbalances
2. Risk Management
3. Risks in China
4. Distinguishing Businesses with China
5. Five Scenarios
6. Risks for Sales in China
7. Risks for China as a Production Location
8. Risks for China in the Supply Chain
9. Conclusions
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